Sunday, 4 January 2015

I exist! Sometimes that's all a teenager wants to scream, be it in a relatives face or a famous persons face. It's usually the latter, in reality. We, as a generation, are labelled moody. Parents will sigh and say that the teenage years are the worst and teachers always seem on the verge of a nervous breakdown in high school. Yet, people fiercely tell us that these are the best days of our lives. Huh? Most teenage years are full of stress, disappointment, heartbreak, and more stress. Sure, there are happy times, prom, finishing school, but for 90% of the time it is really quite hard. There's the fear of coupledom, of how to act being forced into awkward situations. Some teenagers battle with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, the list is endless. Really, it seems like you have to deal with it alone, except for the music you play endlessly in a hope to feel somewhat better. But, let me tell you, you are not alone! I, basic blogger, am here to help you. I will walk with you, or really you walk with me as you read the blog, and help you along the way. Yes, I know I am not a counselor, but I am one of you and I get it. Maybe you seek solace in reading one's blogs and knowing that your life will ever be as awkward as mine,or maybe you need help from someone whom has experienced many a things(mostly crappy) and wants others to know they have support when I did not. I'll be writing about how to make your life more positive, being a better friend with another if they struggle with a mental disorder, anxiety/panic attacks and the danger that is fandoms. I may do it in a jokey way, and use an ironic tone, but know my fellow bloggers, I am being serious.

Until the next time,

Basic Blogger.

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